How to host a Slime Gender Reveal Party
How to Host A Slime GENDER REVEAL Party?!
Gender reveal parties are fast becoming one the most popular parties to either host or to attend!
All around the world, couples who are expecting a child, whether it be their first or fifth, are most likely gathering their friends and families together to share in this exciting moment with them.
The gender of the baby can be revealed in a number of creative ways, ranging from color powder canons, confetti balloons, gender reveal cupcakes or even a bath bomb, however here at Party Goat, we believe to have the most EPIC gender reveal party idea ever...
A Slime Gender Reveal Party!
A slime gender reveal party is a fun and unique party theme where instant slime, either blue or pink colored is used to reveal the gender of the baby. Keeping the gender as a surprise for the expecting parents, one or more family members or friends will find out the gender prior to the event and be in charge of organising the reveal. There are a number of different and hilarious ways in which the slime can be used to surprise the expecting parents and here we will explain a few of these and other key information to make your slime gender reveal party enjoyable for everyone there.
The first thing to do for your slime gender reveal party, is to set the party up outside! This is definitely a party you want to host outdoors to avoid any unwanted mess.
The second thing to do is to appoint a family member (s) or friend (s) who will be in charge of finding out the gender prior to the party and who will organize making the instant slime and arranging the actual reveal activity.
Thirdly, and most importantly, deciding on the best and most effective way how to reveal the gender of the baby using instant slime.
Listed below are a few potential ideas that we hope will inspire you. They all require minimal set up and equipment and we'll even let you know the best way to clean up and dispose of the instant slime once your slime gender reveal party is over.
Our first slime gender reveal idea is the "Slime Bucket". This is the most simple option of the reveal ideas as it only really requires 5 things...
1. 2 x buckets - Spray paint the buckets half blue/half pink, with lids over each of them.
2. 2 x bags of Party GOATâ„¢ Instant slime, blue and pink colored. - You can make huge quantities of runny slime by simply adding water (another highly recommended option is to buy the 4 colour Slime Battle pack. After the reveal, hand out water blasters and use the remaining slime for a super fun slime fight amongst the willing party guests).
3. 1 x willing person to tip and throw the bucket of slime onto the expecting parents.
As seen in these happy images, it is as simple as it looks...
1. The family member or friend who knows the gender is to make up the blue and pink instant slime in the 2 separate buckets and place them behind the expecting parents who have their eyes closed.
2. The party guests are to then count down from THREE, TWO, ONE.
3. On ONE, the bucket with the correct color of instant slime is then tipped over the expecting parents heads and bodies, revealing the gender of their bundle of joy!
"Hands down the coolest gender reveal party ever." - Annamarie F.
The slime blaster reveal idea takes this gender reveal party to the next level!
1. 1 x family member or friend is entrusted with knowing the gender and therefore are in charge of making the instant slime prior and filling up a slime blaster with the correct slime color.
(Important note: Ensure that all excess slime has been wiped away, so no drips are showing).
2. The expecting parents are to have their eyes closed and should both be wearing all white clothing for the color of the slime to really stand out.
3. The party guests are to then count down from 3,2,1 and then the blasting begins, with the family member or friend blasting the expecting parents with the slime, revealing the gender of their baby!
The great thing about both of these seriously fun slime gender reveal ideas, is that you can get everyone at the party involved too by turning them into epic slime blaster fights!
Simply have a number of slime blasters on the ready, with empty blasters handed out to the party guests prior to the reveal. Also have a few more buckets / containers of instant slime premade, easily accessible for your guests to join in on the slime blaster fight fun!
Make sure to have different colors of instant slime for the slime fight to make it as colorful as you can and ensure that you write on your invitations for everyone to wear white clothing!
For more hilarious slime fight ideas, check out the awesome video compilation below that shows a huge variety of different ways in which our versatile Party GOATâ„¢ Instant slime can be utilized in battle!
Slime Safety
Party GOAT slime is non toxic and biodegradable. It does not contain any harmful chemicals often found in other slime products or home made recipes. Our Instant Slime does not contain Borax or Boron. Party GOAT Instant slime has passed toy safety standards tests for the USA, Canada, Australia & New Zealand.
Buy Slime, or Instant Mud here
Cleaning up instant slime is an easy process. The product is not harmful to the environment and will naturally break down over time.
To breakdown the instant slime and to get it to a watery form, simply keep adding water until it is a runny liquid. Once it is in this watery form, simply tip it down a drain, in a garden bed or on your lawn/grass.
Please note that slime can be slippery, especially if left in thick piles on the ground. Excess slime should be swept into a thin layer and hosed down.
Party GOAT Instant slime can be used in many ways as a great fundraiser for your school. Click here for more details on slime fun runs or here for information on slime the principal fundraising.
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